Tuesday 29 March 2016

The Rich Kids of Instagram. Hyperreality?

“ In semiotics and postmodernism, hyperreality is an inability of consciousness to distinguish reality from a simulation of reality, especially in technologically advanced postmodern societies.”

The technological advances have been developed through months and years. New change in technology is occurring every minute. With all the help of advanced devices and the world of new generation, social media spread its power tremendously.

Some people use the media in a good use, and some are in a bad way. However, it is on our decision what we choose to do and to have.

The Rich Kids of Instagram is a social platform based on Instagram, where posting luxurious picture of spoiled teenage kids in their everyday life.

Few on them earned rewards by their hard work, but mostly are come from wealthy parents parents, and they use it unthinkingly.

It is a general idea for wealthy parents to provide a kid any money but it turns out to be not for any teenagers who are willing to commit this behaviour.

This type of social media treats the society drawbacks more than the benefits.

It is strange when 18 to 25 earn expensive supercar from Lamborghini to Rolls-Royce. Sharing fine champagne with dogs or bathing in something thousands dollars champagne. All these behaviors are crazy, people are able to distinguish the simulation from the reality, still, cherish is found within the comments of the pictures rather than realization messages.

However, we might only see the side of the spending captures, but a lot of those bills can be paid by their ass-off work and does not being exposed online. The concentration of our mind must go for the reality, rather than the imagination others create.

One of the very obvious example is when the people start to posting (pretending) as they have good life, over-head pile of millions, exaggeratedly, which is a so-called hyper reality.

In Thailand, the news of dear son/daughter suicide threatening the parents for a new phone is happening incessantly. People are judgmental in others' status and facility on social media more than the reality, as many create a new good life on social media so they can attract more people to make a perfect acquaintance. The pressure of finding more income to satisfy their children's desire thirst to able to define social value is on the parents.

In my humble opinion, our consideration is excessively important. If we wan to follow the steps others are making, make sure it will not suffer any of the economical status.

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